Sunday, 2 November 2014

Healthy, Hearty Spiced Winter Vegetable Soup, On a Budget.

Ok, I decided to make this blog into craft and cooking one,

 as now and again I cook things that go 

down well with my family. I'm also living on a budget, 

so everything I cook has to be mindful of that. 

I joined a facebook page that's all about food on a budget, 

and making it go further, 

called Feed Your Family For About £20 A Week.

It's full of great ideas to make food and money 

stretch that bit further. 

I will leave a link at the bottom of this post.

This Spicy Winter Veg soup has been a family favourite for a

 few years now and my oldest daughter 

always requests it when she's feeling ill.

This week she has been off it with a bit of a stomach bug, 

and the usual request got made.

I made a huge pan up, that kept in the fridge has done for three days meals,

 or in between meal 

snacks, in the case of my husband.

 I promise to work on getting new batteries for my Fuji so I can take better picture.

This soup is super healthy.

Or you can add that bit of naughtyness with crispy bacon lardons sprinkled 

on top for that extra bit of texture, and smokey flavour.

To make this soup you will need:

6 large carrots or 9 smaller ones.

1 large white onion.

1 medium Swede.

1 teaspoon of mild curry powder.

1 teaspoon of Garlic Salt.

3 Chicken stock cubes.

Salt and Pepper to taste.

150g Smokey Bacon Lardons, fried off until crispy

Chop and peel all the veg and cut up into roughly 1 inch pieces.

put them in a LARGE non stick pan and saute off for a few minutes 

before covering the veg with 

water, and then add a cup or two of extra water in too.

Add the Stock Cubes, Garlic Salt and Curry Powder and boil. 

Once it's started to boil, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer, until the veg is tender.

When the Veg is cooked and nice and soft, blend until a smooth, 

thick soup is achieved. 

You can use a stick blender, which is the easiest option, 

or do as I did and add so much at a time to my food processor.

Taste and season accordingly before serving with some nice warm crusty bread.

Add the Smokey bacon at this point and enjoy.

I'm being hounded already to make another batch of this soup up, 

so I'm going to do a huge batch and freeze it.

If yo give this recipe a try, don't forget to tag me in your instagram pictures at



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