When I took crafting back up a few weeks ago, I couldn't help but notice the
changes that had happened in the craft world, over the past two years.
I love rubber stamping,and that won't change, but there has
been more and more use of crafting
CD ROMS and Digital Images (I called them digi stamps in our local craft shop
CD ROMS and Digital Images (I called them digi stamps in our local craft shop
and got a sweet telling off from the lady that owns it.
Aparently I shouldn't call them stamps because you don't actually stamp anything.)
I digress.
So on looking through various media's, mainly Pinterest, I was mesmerised with this
relatively new-to me at least-trend.
The way everyday people are now colouring these images in, as if done by experts
was mind blowing.
Of course, I desided I HAD to have a go myself.
SO I set myself off designing some images, It was all new to me, and I have never put so
much work into drawings, I usually paint, rather than choosing a pencil.
But I surprised myself with how into it I got.
I spent hours drawing up the designs on A4 paper, going over them in fine liner ink, rubbing
out the original pencil lines, then tracing them up so I could duplicate them.
I (as previously mentioned in my Trick or Treat entry) I did major battle with my, now
deseased, PC, waved a white flag, then scanned in all the images on my daughter's laptop.
Eventually I managed to print of some smaller versions of my images. But also scanned
some of the bigger one's that hadn't quite made the standard to be scanned. I used these
cast offs as a trial run and my first attempt at grown up colouring in.
I plan on colouring the rest in as my promarker collection grows (another 13 on order)
and I will share them as I go.
They are fab :)
ReplyDeletethank you xxx