Saturday, 1 November 2014

Happy Accidents


have you ever had one of those times when you try to do one thing...and it goes wrong.

 BUT from  the result it gives you another idea?

That was me today.

I sat trying to replicate something that I had seen on the mecca that is Pinterest, involving a 

glue gun and trying to make embellishments with it.

I was trying to make a heart for on my 'sprinkle of love' card, inspired by a certain Youtube 

mummy known as #sprinkleofglitr, and using one of my own, newly designed, Digi Images.

It sort of worked, but not how I wanted it to. So I covered it with iridescent glitter, which 

helped a little but did nothing for the slightly odd symmetry of the heart.

This was the card with the 'heart'. I also added three squished beads of glue, covered, 

again, in glitter.

And this was what led to my epiphany!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming to have come up with an original idea here, 

for all I know- and I do know- that there are beads made with a glue gun, plastered all over 


I didn't however find any of my version on there.

My squished glittery beads resembled a certain favourite sweet of my oldest Daughter...

 Jelly Tots, 

or I think they are known as Gum Drops in the U.S.

 (insert Ginge, from Shrek's 'Not the gum drop buttons!')

Either way, I played around with the idea until I was happy with the result.

I squeezed enough glue from the gun, to make a bead of glue, 

I did this on specific colored card so as to get the different colour sweets/ candies.

When I had reached the desired bead size, I swirled the nozzle of the gun, slightly up from 

the bead, and in a circular motion. This limited the stringy bits that are annoyingly left when 

working with a glue gun.

Once I had created several of these beads, I then covered them with the iridescent glitter while the glue was still tacky. 

The iridescent glitter also then gave the little Tot's their sugary appearance. 

This was what the different colours looked like, once they had cooled and been cut out.

I made lots of these little embellishments and decided the best use for them would be for a 

Christmas Gingerbread House Card.

I haven't quite finished it yet as I got stopped in my tracks by a horrible migraine, but this 

was what I did so far. I'm going to put a seasons greeting banner above the door, 

and call it done.

I even did a youtube video for it!!!

See Below

I only used basic card stock, which I drew out my shapes from, and then layered them. 

If there is a Gingerbread House die out there then please feel free to use that if you have it, 

and if you want to give this idea ago then don't forget to hash tag me with your pictures on 

instagram at #lindsiloolabell79

I hope you've found this idea interesting and helpful 


Happy Crafting!

Oh and just a quick note...

I think I killed my PC, It has passed on to the big Micro chip in the sky. My husband made a 

valiant effort to revive it tonight, but failed in his attempts...there will be a memorial service 

held tomorrow and a minutes silence in it's memory.




  1. This idea is absolutely wonderful!! "Happy Accidents" should be called "Creative Accidents"!! Your card looks awesome!!
