Hey guys, I know it has been a while again, and I'm hoping to resolve this.
I have always been fascinated by anything miniature.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved all things small.
I used to love Barbie's, as most young girls did, and would sit making doll sized food for mine, mainly from a similar substance as play dough.
As I grew up, the joy I found in a tiny world got lost for a while, as real life held most of my attention.
Back in July this year, I under went a total hysterectomy, and found myself bored during my recovery. So as usual, I turned to my good friend YouTube to fill in the dull hours.
I cannot tell you what I was watching on there, but it was something to do with polymer clay.
I soon became obsessed with the likes of Sugar Charm Shop, Akameru Kawaii, The Nerdy Crafter and Maive Ferrando.
Watching them create these tiny food items, and other fantastic creations, left me in Awe. Their creations could only be classed as tiny pieces of art.
As the weeks of my recovery passed, I decided to have a go myself, and purchased a few items via ebay to get me started.
My first creations were very basic, and my food item skills need 'polishing' but I'm hoping to improve as time passes.
These four ladies awoke the memories from my childhood, and instilled a new fired up passion for anything miniature.
I'm now three months post op, recovered well, and now happy to call myself a miniaturist-is that even a word or term?-
So this all leads me to this post...To introduce you all to my new love of life, and hopefully maybe even convert a few people into the wonderful mini life.
These were my first attempts at polymer clay miniature food. I would like to think I've improved somewhat.
(French baguette, Christmas cake and various doughnuts.)
Mince Pies and Pizza

I couldn't stop making things, and I loved every minute of it

Then I started thinking bigger!

I started making my own miniature furniture.
There really was no hope for me then, I was hooked, and started wanting to make little scenes.
I knew straight away that I wanted to do some kind of wizard scene, but that seemed too big of a task to start with.
So I decided on a little Autumnal scene, you know, a pumpkin, apples, a nice picnic blanket in shades of red, green and gold.
I pictured it in my head, with a stack of books...
I also wanted to incorporate a chair I started to make...but the scene didn't work.
It wouldn't do, so then I started thinking of a little corner of a room, and I ran with it.
I was so pleased with the results of my efforts.
My mum took one look at it, and fell in love, so it now resides in her house, along with the whole bakery items, that also, inevitably, became it's own kind of scene.
After finishing the autumn scene, I decided to take the plunge, and start my wizard'y world.
I am exceptionally proud of this piece.
I spent about 20 hours working on all the little bits and pieces, as well as the whole structure.
So, this is where I'm at. I have a new passion, that will last me a lifetime,
thanks for stopping by, and please check out the links to the four fabulous youtuber's. You won't be disappointed.
I'm also going to be doing tutorials of the things I make, so don't forget to stop by, and give my channel a like, and subscribe.
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