Friday, 2 January 2015

Deleted Dilemma

Ok, so after being without a computer for a good few weeks, I finally got round to checking my blog and looked back at past posts...

Only to find, to my horror, that most of the pictures and video's I had uploaded, have GONE! my banner, gadget pictures, photo's of project and tips...

Then I had a meltdown.

My husband asked me what was wrong, so off I ranted...

To be met with an 

Ah...and a scrunched up face.

He then went on to say how all these pictures that weren't his were showing up on his tablet, so he'd deleted them.

What he failed to realise, was that he'd signed in to my Google account, to redownload some paid for apps, that I'd let him use my card for...

He didn't realise that by signing in to my account, he'd inadvertently linked his device to mine. Meaning once he'd clicked on delete, it wiped out every photo I had saved to my Google account!!!

It was an honest mistake, but he's on scarborough warning, to NOT delete anymore pictures, if he insists on still using my account.

Needless to say I have a lot of work ahead of me, to redo so many posts. Though some of the pictures are now lost forever, because they were saved on the old Beast PC, that was laid to rest, shortly after I started to write this blog.

So, I apologies if you've looked back at past posts and have been met with a lack of pictures.


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