Hey all, been a while again...I know...I SUCK! lol.
Ok, so todays post is based on making your own ink pad storage.
I decided to make this today, following a really good sort out of the cove, which was seriously over due...Not even pigs would want to wallow around on my desk, as it was this morning!
I will refrain from showing you the before and after pictures...I do not want that evidence, of my messy nature out there, for all and sundry to see.
Ok, so let me get started in showing you how I made my ink pad storage.
Things you'll need:
A narrow, strong, carboard box, that is slightly wider than your ink pads.
Extra, strong, clean cardboard for shelves
A good, strong glue; I used both acrylic, and hot glue.
Some lovely background papers of your choice, or you can just paint your unit.
I've had the box from one of those 'satnav' holders, from Poundworld, stuck on a shelf for a while now, as I have an aversion to throwing good cardboard away, when I know I can make something useful with it. So I decided to make use of it, seeing as it was kind of the perfect size for my, somewhat small, collection of ink pads.
I started off by sticking down any and all tabs that were on the box
I used Dovecraft Clear Acrylic Glue for this step, but you could use your own preference of glue.
Once they had dried and stuck well, I took one of my larger craft/Stanley knives and carefully cut away the front side of the box
I may have carried on a little bit too much and nicked my finger...OUCH...please don't do that!
Once I had removed the front, I cut about an extra 1cm from the depth of the box, making it the perfect size for my ink pads.
Once This was done, I then chose some papers to cover it with.
Once the box was covered, I started making the internal shelves. This was done by taking the front piece, that had been discarded, and cutting it to the depth of the storage part. This was then used as a template for the shelves.
For the shelves, I took some, un-creased, clean cardboard, and drew around my template, adding 3cm at either side, to allow for the shelf depth, making sure I was working with the lines within the cardboard. This adds stability to the finished product.
Once done, you should have something that looks like this...
Carefully score the line with the craft knife, being careful not to go all the way though it.
Check that your shelf fits, with the two flappy parts facing downwards. See below.
Also check that your ink pad fits, trim the shelve if needed to fit.
Once you are happy with the fit, cut out more shelves in the same way, to fill your storage space.
Apply hot glue to the sides of your main unit, and stick your shelves in place, lining up the flaps of each shelve, to allow you the correct depth for your ink pads to sit.
When all this is done, you should wind up with a usable storage unit like the one below.
As I left the top flap on my unit, it meant I could pierce a new hole through the top, allowing me to hang my unit up, to help save space.
This was the unit hanging from one of my shelf fronts.
Of course you don't have to hang it, it should be completely free standing as displayed below.
And that's it...Easy, right? You can adapt this unit to house a multitude of lovely crafty stash.
Well, I will TRY and not leave it so long before I post again.
I hope you enjoyed this little DIY post, and that you will give this, or something similar a go yourself.
Thanks for stopping by.