Friday, 31 October 2014

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat indeed.

I decided last week to have a go at creating my own digital images, to use in my card 

making, and spent the entire time with my nose to paper-and actually getting through an 

entire pencil; which I have never done before.

One of my designs was a sweet little witch-who I have yet to name-and I wanted to make a 

Halloween card and post it on here.

This did not go to plan. 

There's a shock.

Instead I have spent the last 7 hours trying to install driver software on to my archaic desk 

top PC, Which is so old, and set in it's ways, that it didn't like the changes being made, 

and spat it's dummy out of the cot at every chance it got.

So I decided to borrow my daughter's laptop and install it onto there. Being a younger 

model, it was well up for a new, additional, accessory.

Much to my relief.

So thinking my problems would be solved by this development, I decided to uninstall the 

driver software that my PC had been fighting me off from.

This in it's self took over an hour.

If my children had not been in the same room I would have turned the air blue with what 

threatened to spill from my mouth.

My next dilemma, was to get the files from my PC, on to a memory stick, to transfer over to 

the speedier little computer. 

Again, my PC did NOT like this, and decided to hold my files hostage as a punishment for 

cheating on it with a laptop.

After another hour of trying to negotiate with the old beast, a penny finally dropped.

(Before you all ask why I did not think of this from the start, you should know I suffer with 

Fibromyalgia, and as a result, suffer with memory problems and cognitive issues.)

I finally realised that the printer  was actually an all in one, and I could have saved myself a 

shed load of time, energy-that was already lacking, as fibro can make you feel exhausted at 

the drop of a hat-, and undue stress.

It took me all of ten minutes to scan all the images into the computer, and a further twenty 

minutes faffing around with them in my photo impact program.

I finally printed of the, fore mentioned, sweet little witch and allowed myself the time to color 

her in with my Promarkers.

I didn't get the time to make a card with my image in the end, but at least I finished her 

enough to show you guys how she turned out.

Excuse the crappy image, it was taken on my phone, as I need to get a new SD card for my 


If you feel the need to leave a nice comment below, then please do.

And tomorrow-albeit late-I will be making the Halloween card that I should have finished 

hours ago, and will put it up on here for anyone that's interested to see.

So after a long and stressful day, I bid you Goodnight.

First Handmade Christmas Cards in Nearly Three Years.



My First Handmade Christmas Card in Nearly Three Years

I had only gone for a quick meander around The Range to kill some time and oooh'd and ahhhh'd at all the pretty things vying for my attention, when my wonderful husband decided to tell me how he would treat me to some new stuff, seeing as how he had a cheque clear, from the dreaded tax man, he treated me to a few new bits to get me started again. I got a new heat tool, a few embossing powders and, what was to be the first of many new Promarkers.
I love him.
So, I went rummaging through the bins. Not ACTUAL bins, but the ones you find on the end of the isles in shops and supermarkets.
And to my delight, I found one filled with clear stamps for the bargain price of
So I scooped up as many different Christmas ones as I could find-a good 12 of them-and almost skipped my way to the tills to pay for my bargins. I must have looked like a mad woman with how excited I got.
As soon as I got home, I put them to use to create this card.
10436102_10152427816208597_8493113500710168720_n 10685511_10152427816098597_4180813587173148445_n
I was quite pleased with it, considering my lack of tools.
Be kind with your comments, lol. I've been out of the loop for the past couple of years.

Fool If You Think It's Over

I probably got my first taste of crafting at the tender age of three. My mum would always

have crafty bits on the go, and we were often encouraged to take part.

All through school I favoured practical lessons, ones that would allow me to be creative, and

not have to conform to the usual rules of the other subjects I was forced to endure.

I found a lightening of my spirit when I could use my hands to mould and shape clay, and

experienced  freedom that came with loading my brush with paint.

In short I thrived on anything that had the potential to get messy…but then my mother

always said I could get bathed, go to bed and still wake up ‘acky’.

I grew up and carried my love of crafts with me wherever I went.

When I lived in Germany, for a year and a half, I immersed myself into cross stitching and

glass paints. When I returned home to the UK I discovered shopping channels and Dawn

Bibby. I soon found myself desperately in need of card making supplied. This quickly

morphed into needing to have a go at scrapbooking and ATC’s.

Along the way, my second little girl came along and grew to be a ‘trying’ two year old that

loved nothing more than to get into mummy’s craft stash and rip, tear and shred my lovely


Eventually she grew out of it and would sit, happily inking away the edges of random bits of

paper. I didn’t mind her joining in and encouraged her when I could. But it got to the point I

had not made anything in ages while trying to keep her occupied. (don’t get me wrong, I

love my children with everything I am and have, and this was not a problem).

It got to the point where it was too much of a chore to get everything out, to sit there drawing

a blank at what to do, to have to put it away again in frustration.

So in early 2012-and in need of raising funds towards my wedding- I sold all my stash,

thinking I was no longer bothered by it all.

I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to walk away after so many years.

So here we are.

October 30th 2014.

And I’m back to square one, building up a stash from scratch.

I’m permanently sat trawling Ebay, rummaging in local craft shops, and scouring Youtube

for tutorials on new techniques and current trends.

I’m also pleased that my, now, ten year old daughter has also shown interest in crafting


So know we can sit together, and she is big enough to do more on her own. My oldest

daughter is sixteen and also likes having a go, but her interests lay more with following the

current Youtube celebrities.

(I have to confess that she has converted me to the modern day brat pack, and come on…

who wouldn’t be enchanted by a the very cute baby glitter???)

So this has been my first blog post.

It’s probably a load of rubbish, and no one will bother coming back to see what I get up to,

So I want to use this blog to share my crafty adventures. I may even share my daughters

creations too.

So if you have sat and read this little bit of dribble about me and mine, then I will say thank

you, for giving me a few minutes of your time.